Tropic Marin

TROPIC MARIN - Phosphat PO4 Professional Test

TROPIC MARIN - Phosphat PO4 Professional Test
TROPIC MARIN - Phosphat PO4 Professional Test
TROPIC MARIN - Phosphat PO4 Professional Test


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With the Professional Phosphate Test from Tropic Marin ® the phosphate concentration can be determined with very high accuracy in the low concentration range between 0.01 and 1 mg/l. Allows you to take around 50 measurements.

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Product Description :

For high precision determination of phosphate concentration

Phosphates (PO 4 3– ) are essential nutrients for all plants and essential for the energy metabolism of all living cells. Phosphates get into aquarium water through food and decomposition processes. An uncontrolled increase in the phosphate content nevertheless poses a problem, especially with strong algae growth. In addition, in saltwater aquariums, phosphates can considerably complicate the precipitation of calcium carbonate which serves to form the calcareous skeleton of hard corals and thus compromise their growth. On the other hand, in the presence of a high plant or coral population and a low fish population, phosphate may also run out and require rebalancing. Some coral aquariums are subject to extremely low nutrient conditions which in some cases can lead to a lack of phosphate.

In natural seawater, the phosphate content is around 0.06 mg/l. Near coral reefs, this value can however be much lower since the concentrations there are between 0.01 and 0.02 mg/l. In a saltwater aquarium, efforts will be made to achieve corresponding values depending on the population present. For soft water, a value of up to 0.4 mg/l should be available and should never exceed 1 mg/l. A concentration of 0.02 mg/l is already considered sufficient for the nutrient supply of aquatic plants. The phosphate concentration of the aquarium water should therefore be checked regularly.

With the Professional Phosphate Test from Tropic Marin ® the phosphate concentration can be determined with very high accuracy in the low concentration range between 0.01 and 1 mg/l.

The advantages :

Measuring range: 0.01 – 1.0 mg/l
Accuracy: 0.02mg/l
For the determination of the phosphate concentration in aquaria
Incl. comparator
Includes phosphate standard to verify function and shelf life of test reagents
Sufficient for about 50 applications

Manual :

1. Before use, shake the dropper bottles well! Assemble and make available the comparator.
2. Rinse the two glass cuvettes several times with tap water, then with aquarium water.
3. Using the dosing syringe, precisely pour 15ml of aquarium water into each glass bowl. Reserve one of the two water samples as a reference.
4. Add 10 drops (for seawater) or 12 drops (for freshwater) of reagent A to the test cuvette, close the test cuvette with the cap and briefly shake the sample.
5. Then add 3 drops of reagent B, close the glass cuvette again and briefly shake the solution.
6. After 4 minutes of development time, place the test cuvette, as well as the reference cuvette with the water sample in the comparator. Place the comparator on the color chart so that the reference cuvette is on a colored area and the test cuvette is on a white area.
7. Now compare the opposing fields. To do this, observe from above the inside of the open cuvettes. Move the comparator over the color chart until both cuvettes show the same color.
8. Read the phosphate value under the corresponding colored area. If the colors do not match exactly, deduce an intermediate value.
9. After the measurement process is complete, rinse the glass cuvettes and syringe thoroughly with tap water.

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