Aquarium and pond equipment at the best prices!
For those passionate about aquariophily
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Analysis / Tests
Basin Analysis
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Balling Products
Seawater supplements
Basic elements
Fresh Water Supplements
CO2 system
Basin Supplements
Basic elements
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Fish Care
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Seawater Food
Fresh Water Food
Food Basin
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Substrate for reactor
Sea Salts
Sands / Quartz / Substrates
Pond Substrate
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Seawater Equipment
Freshwater Equipment
Basin Equipment
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
JBL StabiloPond basis an essential basic product for excellent pond maintenance without algae problems . Thanks to the stable parameters (KH, GH, pH), it is possible to create a biotope similar to a natural biotope , according to the needs of the species.
100 g granules per 1000 l pond water
Natural balance in the garden pond
Each season requires special measures and care for the garden pond. The use of cutter bars, pumps or pond protection nets helps to maintain a healthy pond environment. Water quality inspections can identify water shortages in ponds and take appropriate action.
The JBL Zero Risk Concept:
Algae can contaminate the pond water as well as the fish and plants in it. JBL has worked with scientists to develop the concept of sustainable algae removal.
"1-2-3 Zero Algae"
Stabilize the water: increase the mineral content and improve protection against algae (JBL StabiloPond). Algae control: Add the appropriate algae killer (JBLAlgoPond) to the water. Limit nutrients: remove nutrients from dying algae (JBL PhosExPond).
Easy to use StabiloPond Basis product :
Calculate the needs of the garden pond. Spread the calculated amount over the surface of the pool. After regular use every 6 weeks and the addition of a large quantity of fresh water, S. Example: water renewal or heavy rain. Dosage: 100 g of granules for 1000 liters of pond water.
Sediex Pond effectively reduces pond sludge and allows the biological degradation of organic waste in your pond.
AlgoPond Forte combats all algae species very effectively (green water and string algae) by systematically intervening in the algae metabolism.
PhosEX Pond Direct 500ml from JBL, water suitable for fish and pond plants : Efficient removal of phosphate , a nutrient for algae.
JBL CleroPond is a water clarifier that quickly removes all types of turbidity from water and turbidity agglomeration which can then be removed from the filter.
AlgoPond Forte from JBL very effectively combats all algae species (green water and string algae) by systematically intervening in the algae metabolism.
AlgoPond Green eliminates floating algae that cause green water in the pond. The balance of the basin is not disturbed by this effective algaecide. Dead algae and algaecide are degraded by bacteria living in the pond.
BactoPond 500 ml from JBL is a solution for water suitable for fish and plants: cleaning bacteria for the degradation of biological pollutants in the pond (proteins, ammonium/ammonia, nitrites).
JBL PondOxi Set is an aeration set with 200 l/h air pump for garden ponds. Protection against lack of oxygen in the pond, the PondOxi kit provides effective aeration, oxygen supply, and water mixing.
Optiminera 5000 from IchiPond increases and stabilizes pH, GH and KH . Rich in natural minerals and trace elements. Optiminera is recommended when starting up your pool , when using rainwater for filling or in the event of climatic events (rain, storm, winter, etc.).
ICHIPOND - Optiminera 5000 can treat 10,000 liters of water.
Optiminera 10000 from IchiPond increases and stabilizes pH, GH and KH . Rich in natural minerals and trace elements. Optiminera is recommended when starting up your pool , when using rainwater for filling or in the event of climatic events (rain, storm, winter, etc.).
ICHIPOND - Optiminera 10000 can treat 20,000 liters of water.
JBL StabiloPond basis an essential basic product for excellent pond maintenance without algae problems . Thanks to the stable parameters (KH, GH, pH), it is possible to create a biotope similar to a natural biotope , according to the needs of the species.