Aquarium and pond equipment at the best prices!
For those passionate about aquariophily
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Analysis / Tests
Basin Analysis
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Balling Products
Seawater supplements
Basic elements
Fresh Water Supplements
CO2 system
Basin Supplements
Basic elements
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Fish Care
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Seawater Food
Fresh Water Food
Food Basin
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Substrate for reactor
Sea Salts
Sands / Quartz / Substrates
Pond Substrate
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Seawater Equipment
Freshwater Equipment
Basin Equipment
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
eSHa NDX 500ml is an anthelmintic treatment for saltwater and freshwater aquarium fish to fight against intestinal worms. eSHa NDX 500ml will treat 11,250 liters of water.
eSHa NDX can also be used with marine fish in a quarantine aquarium .
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Zoanthus activated carbon allows the absorption and fixation of harmful elements present in the water of your aquarium . This activated carbon in cylindrical form, offers a very high filtration surface and quickly and reliably eliminates all harmful substances present in the water of your aquarium. It provides healthy and crystal clear water .
It works against parasitic nematodes like Anisakis Camallanus, Capillaria, Pseudocapillaria, Eustrongylids, ao Oxyurids. Roundworms, also known as roundworms or hairworms, usually appear in the intestine. Symptoms of colonization by nematodes are characterized by weight loss, loss of appetite or an appendix protruding from the anus (Camallanus cotti). Nematodes can be viviparous or oviparous. The reproductive cycle of some nemetodes can take place through several intermediate hosts.
eSHa NDX is well tolerated by exotic freshwater and saltwater fish. We have not observed any negative effects in crustaceans, snails and mussels. Caution is advised in the presence of lower animals, such as corals, anemones, sea urchins... In the presence of these animals, the fish must be treated in a quarantine tank.
The treatment should be carried out for the net volume of the aquarium.
Day 1: 1 drop per liter of water
Day 2: Change 50% of the aquarium water, or only 20% by filtering on activated carbon
In the case of oviparous nematodes, the treatment must be renewed 14 days after the first application to destroy the new generation of newly hatched nematodes. In exceptional circumstances, the treatment may be repeated once more after 2 weeks.
In saltwater aquariums, fish should be treated in a quarantine tank. It is also necessary to stop the skimmer during the first 4 hours and the UV lamps during the first 24 hours.
MICROBE LIFT theraP are strains of bacteria that provide the aquarium with a natural ecosystem, improve fish health and overall water quality.
Effective in freshwater and seawater.
Oodinex 20ml is a special seawater treatment against Oodinium , cryptocarion (whiteheads), tissue degeneration.
CUPRAMINE™ is effective in the eradication of ectoparasites from freshwater and saltwater fish.
Water conditioner for freshwater aquariums, to quickly, safely and reliably eliminate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (white spot disease pathogen) and many other single-celled skin parasites (eg. Ichthyobodo , Apiosoma , Trichodina , Chilodonella ) as well as fungal infections.
Atvitol from JBL are multivitamin drops for freshwater and saltwater aquarium fish . Prevents deficiencies and strengthens the immune system of fish.
Water conditioner for the acclimatization of fish in freshwater aquariums.
Water conditioner for the acclimatization of fish in freshwater aquariums.
MICROBE LIFT theraP are strains of bacteria that provide the aquarium with a natural ecosystem, improve fish health and overall water quality.
Effective in freshwater and seawater.
MICROBE LIFT theraP are strains of bacteria that provide the aquarium with a natural ecosystem, improve fish health and overall water quality.
Effective in freshwater and seawater.
Oodinex 20ml is a special seawater treatment against Oodinium , cryptocarion (whiteheads), tissue degeneration.
CUPRAMINE™ is effective in the eradication of ectoparasites from freshwater and saltwater fish.
Water conditioner for freshwater aquariums, to quickly, safely and reliably eliminate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (white spot disease pathogen) and many other single-celled skin parasites (eg. Ichthyobodo , Apiosoma , Trichodina , Chilodonella ) as well as fungal infections.
Atvitol from JBL are multivitamin drops for freshwater and saltwater aquarium fish . Prevents deficiencies and strengthens the immune system of fish.
Water conditioner for the acclimatization of fish in freshwater aquariums.
Water conditioner for the acclimatization of fish in freshwater aquariums.
MICROBE LIFT theraP are strains of bacteria that provide the aquarium with a natural ecosystem, improve fish health and overall water quality.
Effective in freshwater and seawater.
MICROBE LIFT theraP are strains of bacteria that provide the aquarium with a natural ecosystem, improve fish health and overall water quality.
Effective in freshwater and seawater.
Oodinex 20ml is a special seawater treatment against Oodinium , cryptocarion (whiteheads), tissue degeneration.
CUPRAMINE™ is effective in the eradication of ectoparasites from freshwater and saltwater fish.
Water conditioner for freshwater aquariums, to quickly, safely and reliably eliminate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (white spot disease pathogen) and many other single-celled skin parasites (eg. Ichthyobodo , Apiosoma , Trichodina , Chilodonella ) as well as fungal infections.