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Aquarium and pond equipment at the best prices!
For those passionate about aquariophily
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Analysis / Tests
Basin Analysis
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Balling Products
Seawater supplements
Basic elements
Fresh Water Supplements
CO2 system
Basin Supplements
Basic elements
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Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Fish Care
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Seawater Food
Fresh Water Food
Food Basin
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Substrate for reactor
Sea Salts
Sands / Quartz / Substrates
Pond Substrate
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Seawater Equipment
Freshwater Equipment
Basin Equipment
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Esha Gdex 20ml is specially designed against skin and gill diseases (such as Gyrodactylus sp. and Dactylogyrus sp.) and tapeworms (Cestoda). Gdex can be used in combination with all Esha freshwater medicines. 20 ml will treat 300 liters of water.
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Zoanthus activated carbon allows the absorption and fixation of harmful elements present in the water of your aquarium . This activated carbon in cylindrical form, offers a very high filtration surface and quickly and reliably eliminates all harmful substances present in the water of your aquarium. It provides healthy and crystal clear water .
Gdex can also be used with marine fish in a quarantine aquarium.
eSHa NDX 20ml is an anthelmintic treatment for saltwater and freshwater aquarium fish to fight against intestinal worms. eSHa NDX 20ml will treat 450 liters of water.
Esha Exit is an effective medicine against White Spot Disease (Ichthyophthirius) and Oodinium .
Hexamita 20ml is a unique and effective treatment against diseases of Discus and other cichlids . It will allow you to treat 800 liters of water.
Optima from Esha is a unique combination of trace elements, minerals and vitamins that tap water lacks. These ingredients help recreate the natural tropical environment your fish deserve. Your fish will thrive and you will see the results.
GASTROBAC is a medicine for ornamental fish. It is very effective against the formation of bacterial mucus on the skin and gills of freshwater fish.
GASTROBAC is not tolerated by snails and ornamental snails (eg apple snails, etc.).
Esha Minaroll from Esha is a unique composition of trace elements, vitamins and minerals . It provides your fish with the amounts they need for a healthy life. For use in freshwater and sea .
Atvitol from JBL are multivitamin drops for freshwater and saltwater aquarium fish . Prevents deficiencies and strengthens the immune system of fish.
Esha ALX from Esha is a treatment against crustacean parasites, they occur on and in the skin of fish and on the gills. This product is well tolerated by fish, plants, filters. Warning: Remove shrimp and crayfish before using eSHa alx.
Atvitol from JBL are multivitamin drops for freshwater and saltwater aquarium fish . Prevents deficiencies and strengthens the immune system of fish.
Water conditioner for the acclimatization of fish in freshwater aquariums.
Water conditioner for the acclimatization of fish in freshwater aquariums.
Oodinex 20ml is a special seawater treatment against Oodinium , cryptocarion (whiteheads), tissue degeneration.
PROTOMOR is a specialized treatment for ornamental fish against velvet diseases such as Oodinium ocellatum (coral fish disease), Cryptobia, Brooklynella, Trichodina and Cryptocaryon. Tolerable for INVERTEBRATES (CORALS, anemones, snails, mussels, etc.)
CUPRAMINE™ is effective in the eradication of ectoparasites from freshwater and saltwater fish.
Water conditioner for freshwater aquariums, to quickly, safely and reliably eliminate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (white spot disease pathogen) and many other single-celled skin parasites (eg. Ichthyobodo , Apiosoma , Trichodina , Chilodonella ) as well as fungal infections.
Water conditioner for the safe and reliable elimination of parasitic nematodes in freshwater and saltwater fish. Invertebrates, such as e.g. shrimps and crustaceans do not tolerate the product .
What they think about it
(and they are right...)
Estoy probando el producto, espero ayude a mis peces.
Esha Gdex 20ml is specially designed against skin and gill diseases (such as Gyrodactylus sp. and Dactylogyrus sp.) and tapeworms (Cestoda). Gdex can be used in combination with all Esha freshwater medicines. 20 ml will treat 300 liters of water.