NMG Presse

The Aquarium at home - Number 142

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The Aquarium at home - Number 142
The Aquarium at home - Number 142
The Aquarium at home - Number 142


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Magazine The aquarium at home n° 142 - November / December 2020 . Freshwater and seawater aquariums, ponds and aqua-terrariums.

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Contents of this issue

p.06: News - General practitioner

p.08: News - Equipment

p.10: Eheim contest game

p.12: News - Show: Animal Expo

Pure water

p.14: Getting off to a good start – pH and hardness, take control of your water

p.18: Getting started – The different types of aquarium

p.22: Practical side – Around Krobia xinguensis

p.26: Practical side – Reproduction: how to raise your fry?

p.30: The file – Tetras of the genus Moenkhausia: lambs and wolves.

p.44: Aquascaping atmosphere – Mountainscape: a mountain under water

p.48: The organic moment - Not so banal, the school of fish! Life on the bench in 3 questions.

Sea water

p.52: We invite ourselves - "A well-populated reef 3000L"

p.57: The file – Canthigaster valentini and his mime paraluteres prionurus

p.62: In detail - Paracentropyge multifasciatus, the zebra of the drop-offs!


p.66: The file – Plants in terrariums and paludariums


p.74: Getting off to a good start – What filtration for my pool?

p.77: Practical side – Handling koi


p.80: Our report – An exotic fish... from our region!

p.83: The portrait – Oliver Knott

In the field

p.85: The life of the clubs - Cercle Aquariophile et Terrariophile Flandres Artois

p.88: Animalis Eragny - Reef encounters, 3rd edition

p.90: Marine animals in comics

Practical sheets

Pure water :
Fish: Paracheirodon axelrodi and Trigonostigma truncata
Plants: Eriocaulon cinereum and Ludwigia sp. red mini

Sea water :
Fish: Pseudanthias dispar
Invertebrates: Rhynochocinetes durbanensis and Hymenocera elegans
Corals: Acropora tenuis