ATI Labs - ICP-OES Basic Water Analysis


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ICP-OES seawater analysis is an accurate and economical analysis for hobbyists and professionals in the aquarium industry. It allows the control of more than 25 water parameters (macro and trace elements) of your aquarium.

This Basic kit allows the analysis of aquarium water only (WITHOUT nitrates, fluoride, kH and osmosis water).

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The ICP-OES technique

Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) analytical techniques can quantitatively measure the element content of a material.

The sample solution is then vaporized in the core of an induced argon plasma, which can reach temperatures of approximately 8000 °C. At such a high temperature, all chemical species of the analyte undergo atomization, ionization and thermal excitation, and can then be detected and quantified with an optical emission spectrometer (OES).

Water analysis Label


With the ARCOS II ICP-OES machine, we have chosen a top-performing analyzer in its class. It is characterized by its high accuracy and is used wherever high demands on element analysis are required. It is therefore not surprising that with the ARCOS II we can detect trace elements in concentrations down to less than 1 ug/l (0.001mg/l).


...To be fully aware and in control of what is happening with the chemistry of your marine aquarium. You are able to know precisely, the daily consumption of each major and minor element, and therefore, the dose necessary in order to maintain optimal levels. Also, we are able to identify, using analysis, the sources of pollution that could be the cause of many problems.


ATI ICP-OES measurements

The main elements: chloride, sodium, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bromine, strontium and boron

Minor elements: aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, bismuth, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, iodine, lead, lithium, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, selenium, silicon, silver, thallium, tin, titanium, vanadium, and zinc

Our online ATI Lab software helps you interpret the results.

Setting ICP-OES Standard ICP-OES Pro ICP-MS Ultimate
Salinity ✓ ICP-OES ✓ ICP-OES ✓ ICP-OES
Bulk elements (except fluoride) ✓ ICP-OES (high precision) ✓ ICP-OES (high precision) ✓ ICP-OES (high precision)
Trace elements OES ✓ ICP-OES (average detection limits) ✓ ICP-OES (average detection limits) ✓✓ ICP-MS (extremely low detection limits down to ultra-trace levels) and ICP-OES
OES contaminants ✓ ICP-OES (average detection limits) ✓ ICP-OES (average detection limits) ✓✓ ICP-MS (extremely low detection limits down to ultra-trace levels) and ICP-OES
Phosphorus/Phosphate ✓ High-precision ICP-OES) ✓ High-precision ICP-OES) ✓ ICP-OES (high precision)
Nitrate and fluoride X ✓ Ion chromatography ✓ Ion chromatography
KH X ✓ Titration ✓ Titration

Reverse osmosis water analysis

X ✓ High-precision ICP-OES) ✓ ICP-OES (high precision)
Trace elements MS* X X ✓✓ ICP-MS (extremely low detection limits down to ultra-trace levels)
MS* contaminants X X ✓✓ ICP-MS (extremely low detection limits down to ultra-trace levels)
Ideal for: Basic analysis for budget-conscious users Full analysis with all key parameters Complete analysis including contaminants and ultra-traces

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