
OCECAMO - ICP-OES - Analysis for freshwater aquariums

OCECAMO - ICP-OES - Analysis for freshwater aquariums
OCECAMO - ICP-OES - Analysis for freshwater aquariums


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Oceamo 's ICP-OES is an ultra-pure water analysis that checks the quality of fresh water (and therefore the operation of water treatment) . - We recommend such a check at least every 6 months, or when problems appear in the aquarium . Heavy metals like copper, but also nutrients like silicates and nitrates, are often introduced due to inadequate water treatment.

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What are the benefits of ICP-MS? :

  • Water analysis of freshwater aquariums with a full consultation service. ICP-OES: Mg, Ca, K, B, Sr, Li, Si, I, Ba, Mo, Ni, Mn, Cr, Co, Fe, Cu, V, Zn, Sn, P, Al, Sb, Pb, Cd, Ti, Hg, As, Rb, La, U, Ti IC: Nitrate, Fluoride, sulfate, nitrite, bromide, chloride Titrimetric: KH Other
  • Methods: conductivity, phosphate, judicious indication of results, including evaluation and recommendations.
  • With our ion chromatography, we can reliably determine fluoride, nitrate and nitrite at extremely low concentrations, even in fresh water.
  • In-depth advice during the assessment, specially tailored to assess source water quality and recommend necessary measures.
  • Can also be used for tap water
  • Quick turnaround (usually less than 4 days)
  • Scientifically based methodology
  • Honest values - no specification of many decimal places if that precision cannot be generated by the method used.

The collection kit contains a high quality syringe filter. Also contains the analysis of an initial water sample for the following elements, the important elements silicon, copper and zinc.

Source water quality is critical to the proper functioning of a reef aquarium. The osmosis/pure water analysis is also suitable for the analysis of tap water, which makes it possible to determine whether the tap water already meets all the criteria for the aquarium trade.

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