Aquarium and pond equipment at the best prices!
For those passionate about aquariophily
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Analysis / Tests
Basin Analysis
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Balling Products
Seawater supplements
Basic elements
Fresh Water Supplements
CO2 system
Basin Supplements
Basic elements
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Fish Care
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Seawater Food
Fresh Water Food
Food Basin
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Substrate for reactor
Sea Salts
Pond Substrate
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Seawater Equipment
Freshwater Equipment
Basin Equipment
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
This sand is a very fine, white bottom substrate based on calcium and magnesium compounds and is ideal for marine aquariums.
This sand is a very fine, white bottom substrate based on calcium and magnesium compounds and is ideal for marine aquariums.
We recommend a layer of 2 to 3 cm, so that a sufficiently sustained current, generating good mixing, can rid it of detritus and prevent any concentration of nitrates on the ground.
Bora Bora sand is also optimal for mixing with living sand filtration systems (DSB method); in this case, the bottom substrate should be at least 8-20 cm high.
Made from very pure rock, Bora Bora sand does not release nitrates, phosphates or silicates. It is largely composed of calcium and magnesium and fine water carbonates and bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium (measured by the TAC - or KH in Germany).
It is only about a year later that Bora Bora sand will have to be added, at a rate of about 10% of the quantity present in the tank; which represents more or less the volume dissolved during the past year in the form of calcium, magnesium, carbonates and bicarbonates.
The great fineness of Borar Bora sand is highly appreciated by molluscs, anemones, cerianthus, serpulids, plumed polychaetes, as well as labrids which like to burrow there. Gobiodons (family of gobies), too, dig it very easily to seek refuge there. Bora Bora sand corresponds perfectly to the natural environment of the coral reef and therefore plays an important role in the proper functioning of the biotope.
How much sand for my aquarium?
To give you an example: for an aquarium 150cm long, 50cm deep and 60cm high, you will need a bottom substrate with a thickness of 2cm.
Calculation: 150 x 50 x 2 Length x depth x desired substrate height = 15l = Liters.
8kg of Bora Bora sand is suitable for 5 liters of water.
Before use, be sure to rinse the Bora Bora sand well under running water – the water initially takes on a milky color; continue rinsing until the water becomes almost clear.
Reef Crystals Sea Salt is the first enriched saltwater formulation containing an additional supply of elements important for reef aquarium enthusiasts.
4 Kg bucket.
This SALIFERT brand analysis kit allows you to accurately measure the magnesium level of your seawater. Allows you to take around 50 measurements.
Accurately tests the nitrite level of your seawater.
Allows you to take around 60 measurements.
Instructions in French
Bio S from Aquaforest is a supplement containing bacteria, which create a favorable environment for the proliferation of strains of Nitrospirae and Nitrobacter .
Accurately tests the nitrate level of your seawater.
Allows you to take around 60 measurements.
Instructions in French
Bacto Reef Blend 250ml by Fauna Marin is a new mix of bacteria developed for marine aquariums . This culture of bacteria quickly activates and stabilizes all biological cycles in your aquarium.
This SALIFERT brand analysis kit allows you to accurately measure the calcium level of your seawater. Allows you to take 50 to 100 measurements.
Easybooster is a liquid mix of four highly concentrated phytoplanktons allowing the feeding of all the animals in your aquarium.
Reef Crystals Sea Salt is the first enriched saltwater formulation containing an additional supply of elements important for reef aquarium enthusiasts.
4 Kg bucket.
This SALIFERT brand analysis kit allows you to accurately measure the magnesium level of your seawater. Allows you to take around 50 measurements.
Accurately tests the nitrite level of your seawater.
Allows you to take around 60 measurements.
Instructions in French
Bio S from Aquaforest is a supplement containing bacteria, which create a favorable environment for the proliferation of strains of Nitrospirae and Nitrobacter .
Accurately tests the nitrate level of your seawater.
Allows you to take around 60 measurements.
Instructions in French
Bacto Reef Blend 250ml by Fauna Marin is a new mix of bacteria developed for marine aquariums . This culture of bacteria quickly activates and stabilizes all biological cycles in your aquarium.
This SALIFERT brand analysis kit allows you to accurately measure the calcium level of your seawater. Allows you to take 50 to 100 measurements.
Easybooster is a liquid mix of four highly concentrated phytoplanktons allowing the feeding of all the animals in your aquarium.
Reef Crystals Sea Salt is the first enriched saltwater formulation containing an additional supply of elements important for reef aquarium enthusiasts.
4 Kg bucket.
This SALIFERT brand analysis kit allows you to accurately measure the magnesium level of your seawater. Allows you to take around 50 measurements.
Accurately tests the nitrite level of your seawater.
Allows you to take around 60 measurements.
Instructions in French
Bio S from Aquaforest is a supplement containing bacteria, which create a favorable environment for the proliferation of strains of Nitrospirae and Nitrobacter .
Fiji white sand is of great purity, very white in color for reef saltwater aquariums. Does not contain phosphate.
NATURE'S OCEAN® MARINE WHITE SAND #0 is a high quality 100% natural sand.
Granulometry: 0.1 - 0.5mm
Sansibar DARK 5kg from JBL is a perfect root support : substrate for freshwater or saltwater aquariums and terrariums. Plants thrive: the size and density of the fine particles prevent the penetration of humus and other waste .
Sansibar DARK 10kg from JBL provides good root support . This black soil substrate for freshwater or saltwater and terrariums, will allow you to obtain vigorous plant growth : the fine grain and density prevent the penetration of humus and other waste.
This sand is a very fine, white substrate based on calcium and magnesium compounds. It is ideal for marine aquariums.
This sand is a very fine, white bottom substrate based on calcium and magnesium compounds and is ideal for marine aquariums.
Fiji white sand is of great purity, very white in color for reef saltwater aquariums. Does not contain phosphate.
Fiji white sand is of great purity, very white in color for reef saltwater aquariums. Does not contain phosphate.
Fiji white sand is of great purity, very white in color for reef saltwater aquariums. Does not contain phosphate.
NATURE'S OCEAN® MARINE WHITE SAND #0 is a high quality 100% natural sand.
Granulometry: 0.1 - 0.5mm
Sansibar DARK 5kg from JBL is a perfect root support : substrate for freshwater or saltwater aquariums and terrariums. Plants thrive: the size and density of the fine particles prevent the penetration of humus and other waste .
Sansibar DARK 10kg from JBL provides good root support . This black soil substrate for freshwater or saltwater and terrariums, will allow you to obtain vigorous plant growth : the fine grain and density prevent the penetration of humus and other waste.
This sand is a very fine, white substrate based on calcium and magnesium compounds. It is ideal for marine aquariums.
This sand is a very fine, white bottom substrate based on calcium and magnesium compounds and is ideal for marine aquariums.
Fiji white sand is of great purity, very white in color for reef saltwater aquariums. Does not contain phosphate.
Fiji white sand is of great purity, very white in color for reef saltwater aquariums. Does not contain phosphate.
Fiji white sand is of great purity, very white in color for reef saltwater aquariums. Does not contain phosphate.
NATURE'S OCEAN® MARINE WHITE SAND #0 is a high quality 100% natural sand.
Granulometry: 0.1 - 0.5mm
Sansibar DARK 5kg from JBL is a perfect root support : substrate for freshwater or saltwater aquariums and terrariums. Plants thrive: the size and density of the fine particles prevent the penetration of humus and other waste .
Sansibar DARK 10kg from JBL provides good root support . This black soil substrate for freshwater or saltwater and terrariums, will allow you to obtain vigorous plant growth : the fine grain and density prevent the penetration of humus and other waste.