Aquarium and pond equipment at the best prices!
For those passionate about aquariophily
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Basin Analysis
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Balling Products
Seawater supplements
Basic elements
Fresh Water Supplements
CO2 system
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Fish Care
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Substrate for reactor
Sea Salts
Pond Substrate
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Seawater Equipment
Basin Equipment
5€ discount for your first order with the code: BIENVENUE05 (from 100€ purchase, offers cannot be combined)
Preis Coly effectively protects freshwater and saltwater fish against gill and intestinal parasites.
This natural multi-tonic will allow you to enjoy your fish in aquariums; they will be more resistant and in good health. This advanced product not only contains amino acids such as omega-3 fatty acids, but also beneficial ingredients such as ginseng, propolis, ginger and ginkgo, as well as a very specific selection of essential oils. high quality fish, composed largely of unsaturated fatty acids. Indeed, stressful situations caused by changes, fights with other fish of the same species, as well as long transport times, make fish more vulnerable to pathogens and parasites. Fish-V-Power not only increases the desire to spawn, it also promotes rapid growth of young fish, helps them resist better and intensifies their colors.
We recommend that you systematically carry out a revitalization treatment after any new import or acquisition of fish, but also during and after any curative treatment, as well as for the rearing of young fish. Of course, Fish-V-Power can be administered continuously, in order to prevent any vitamin deficiency. You will be happy to see your fish in good health, with magnificent colors and you will enjoy it for a long time.
Dosage for a treatment of 6 weeks, during which a measure will be added not only to water, but also to food.
add 10ml to 100l of water, 1x per day, 2x per week.
pour 10ml of Fish-V-Power over 10g of frozen food and let it absorb.
pour 5 – 10 ml of Fish-V-Power on 1 teaspoon of dry food (flakes, pellets, sticks).
add 10ml to 100l of water, every fortnight.
administer an amount similar to that needed for the short treatment, but only administer it every other time.
Shake well before use. Once opened, refrigerate.
eSHa NDX 20ml is an anthelmintic treatment for saltwater and freshwater aquarium fish to fight against intestinal worms. eSHa NDX 20ml will treat 450 liters of water.
Atvitol from JBL are multivitamin drops for freshwater and saltwater aquarium fish . Prevents deficiencies and strengthens the immune system of fish.
PREIS minerals for discus provide all the minerals and trace elements necessary for osmosis water and fresh water for driving, in order to restore the balance and conditions adapted to the particular living conditions of discus fish.
Acid Buffer™ is a phosphate-free buffer for lowering pH and buffering with Alkaline Buffer™. Adjusts the pH from 5 to 8.
Garlic Guard is an all natural garlic based food additive. Garlic Guard promotes appetite in newly arrived or stressed fish.
Catappa leaves in liquid form. Catappa leaves are added to aquarium water because of their beneficial action on fish and shrimp . Catappa-X is the effective liquid version of these sheets.
PhosBond™ is a revolutionary new product that combines phosphate removal capabilities through a granular aluminum oxide and ferric oxide resin. It quickly removes phosphates and silicates from saltwater and freshwater by combining the best of both types of anti-phosphate resin.
Easy-Life 25 Root Sticks are ideal for feeding plants directly at the root . The product contains 25 special clay sticks which are very nutritious and have a high iron content.
Changing a fish's environment causes stress that strips it of essential nutrients and can weaken its immune system. First Defense is scientifically designed to relieve stress and aid the immune system , so fish can better withstand bagging and travel from the store to your aquarium, water changes, new fish arrivals, sanitary treatments, as well as other environmental changes.
Esha Exit is an effective medicine against White Spot Disease (Ichthyophthirius) and Oodinium .
JBL Catappa XL is a set of 23 cm Badamier leaves . The natural action of Badamier leaves promotes the well-being, vitality, reproduction of fish , and also plays an antibacterial and antifungal role . One leaf for 50 to 100 liters of water. Allows the treatment of 1000 liters of water.
JBL Nano-Catappa is a set of 10 small-sized star anima leaves for small aquariums. The natural action of badamier leaves will promote the well-being, vitality and reproduction of fish and also play an anti-bacterial and antifungal role. 1 leaf for 15 to 30 l of water . Allows the treatment of 300 liters of water.
Cryptan 250 ml from Preis is an anti-parasitic treatment to combat oodinium , cryptocaryon and ichthyophthirius in freshwater and saltwater aquariums.
Do not use with invertebrates.
EasyNeo 500 ml from Easy Life , considerably strengthens the immune system in a natural way. This effectively prevents illness and even death from stress and injury during transportation . After transport, the aquarium can be treated with EASYNEO ® to provide the best care and avoid diseases during the habituation period.
Optima from Esha is a unique combination of trace elements, minerals and vitamins that tap water lacks. These ingredients help recreate the natural tropical environment your fish deserve. Your fish will thrive and you will see the results.
CUPRAMINE™ is effective for the eradication of ectoparasites from freshwater and seawater fish. Do not use in the presence of invertebrates. 5000 ml treats 10,000 l.
What they think about it
(and they are right...)
Easy to use except the price is a bit steep (Translated review)
Preis Coly effectively protects freshwater and saltwater fish against gill and intestinal parasites.