GHL - Doser 2 (2.1) 4 Pumps - White - 4-channel connected dosing pump

GHL - GHL Doser 2 (2.1) 4 Pumps - White - 4-channel connected dosing pump
GHL - GHL Doser 2 (2.1) 4 Pumps - White - 4-channel connected dosing pump
GHL - GHL Doser 2 (2.1) 4 Pumps - White - 4-channel connected dosing pump
GHL - GHL Doser 2 (2.1) 4 Pumps - White - 4-channel connected dosing pump
GHL - GHL Doser 2 (2.1) 4 Pumps - White - 4-channel connected dosing pump


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Thanks to the high-quality technology inside the compact and modern GHL Doser 2.1 , it not only offers precise and simple dosing, but it also includes many more features. With the free GHL Connect App software or the myGHL cloud service you can access your Doser from anywhere in the world.

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Precision and innovation.The doserwho can just do more.

Thanks to the high quality technology inside theGHLDose2.1compactAndmodern, henot only offers aprecise and simple dosing, but it also includes many more features.With free softwareGHLConnectAppOrTHEcloud servicemyGHLYou can accessyourDose from all over the world forlaunchprograms ofdistribution orcheckTHElevelsOf yoursmeasuring liquids.

The device can be used easily fromYour smartphone oryour PC.The connectionis possible viaWi-Fi, LANAndUSB.

THElogoGHLLit byLEDsin the boxserves asstatus indicator.It displays the status of your aquarium bydisplaying various colors and lets you know when something needs your attention.

Very precise dosing

THEstepper motors24Vallow adosageaccurateevenTodebitsmostweak(0.1ml).

  • Up to 150dosesper day
  • Easily choose the times ofdosagevia software(GHLControl Center).
    Automatically:Up to 150individual dosesper dayautomaticallydistributed
    Individually:Until8dosesper dayindividually
  • Each pumpcan be set separately
  • Carrying capacity anddosage:
    8-45ml/minute (Precisely adjustableAt 0.1ml)

LED status display

ThereLEDs-Retro -EnlightenedGHLLogoin the housing coverservesstatus indicator.Different colors show youin one lookThe stateof your system.

  • White=setup mode
  • Blue=Normal
  • Green =Aamount of liquidin the containerEastOK
  • Yellow =Wwarning thresholdamount of liquid
  • Red =alarmthresholdamount of liquid

Level indication and alarm

Keep track and controlliquid levels in your containers.An alarm signals that the minimum quantity has been reached.

Versatile Connectivity Options

  • Magnetic stirrers
  • External command GHL (4.3" touch screen)
  • Temperature sensors and level sensors

Easy handling

Programmingand theuse ofDose2Swhile Alone areeasily accessible via thefree pc softwareCCG,appAndthe cloud servicemyGHL.

Convincing quality

  • We don't useonly materialsdurableand quality.
  • The pumpsOfourdispensersare allEquipped withtubingchemical resistantand D'engine shaftsStainless steel.
  • The boxis sturdy andMade ofaluminumhard-waringand ofdurable plastic.

Technical specifications

Color: black or white


Variants:2-4pumps with stepper motors, up to 45 ml / minute

Quality and functionality.


Each pumpcan be operated manuallyvia push buttonson the front panel.This allows you topost-dosingquickly, to deflateI'Ventof the tubeorSuck up liquids.

Did you know thatYOUcaneasilyupgrade yourGHLDose 2.1?We offersetsofupgradefrom 2 to 3pumps andfrom 2 to 4Or3To4pumps asthan dosing accessories.

Maintenance and wearing parts

Doser 2.1 pumps are largely maintenance free.For optimum performance, we recommend occasional cleaning and removal of dust and other impurities from the interior of the pumps.The pumps must never be lubricated!

Tubes, pumps and motors are wear parts whose lifespan depends on frequency of use, flow rate and environmental conditions.In the event of malfunction (e.g. insufficient flow, loss of prime, leakage, increased operating noise) or mechanical damage, wearing parts must be replaced.Thanks to the maintenance-friendly design, all wear parts can be easily replaced, all wear parts are available as accessories.

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