JBL Aquarium

JBL - PlanktonPur M2 - 8 sticks of 2g - Natural zooplankton

JBL - PlanktonPur M2 - 8 sticks of 2g - Natural zooplankton
JBL - PlanktonPur M2 - 8 sticks of 2g - Natural zooplankton
JBL - PlanktonPur M2 - 8 sticks of 2g - Natural zooplankton


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JBL PlanktonPur M2 is a natural product from unpolluted arctic waters. This treat is ideal for small tropical freshwater and saltwater fish and shrimp. Pure fresh plankton.

Learn more

  • For variety: treats for freshwater and saltwater tropical fish and shrimp. Pure fresh plankton.
  • Very high nutritional value and optimal coloring thanks to natural astaxanthin: natural food from arctic waters for aquarium fish from 4 to 14 cm.
  • No water turbidity: growth of algae reduced by an adapted phosphate content, improved water quality by better digestibility of food, leading to a reduction in fish excrement.
  • Fish choose JBL: 98.5% of species immediately opted for JBL food during freshwater research expeditions. Natural food composed of 100% plankton.
  • Included in delivery: PlanktonPur M, for large freshwater and saltwater fish.

Revolution in fish feed

In its natural environment, a fish is always trying to catch the plankton that passes in front of it. JBL succeeds in preserving pure arctic plankton directly after harvesting, without using artificial preservatives. It is therefore possible to feed aquarium fish with fresh plankton.

Other good reasons for using JBL PlanktonPur: its exceptional quality and the preservative treatment. Plankton retains a large proportion of liquid (80 to 90%). JBL forgoes preservatives, but a temperature process used during processing allows preservation. Up to 100% higher survival rate in fish farming. Up to 100% higher growth rate in fry. Stress tolerance multiplied by 3.5. Promotes the coloring and well-being of fish. Reduces pigmentation defects by 50%. Reduces the density of dangerous bacteria of the genus Vibrio by 18 times compared to feeding enriched brine shrimp nauplii.

Advance through research

The results obtained during JBL's research expeditions combined with the expertise of the JBL Research and Development team have made it possible to create balanced food preparations, based on very high quality ingredients.

Feeding advice

Give 1 stick per day; 1 stick of 2 g supplies an aquarium containing up to 200 l.

Conservation of the sticks: 3 years in closed packaging. Choose the size of the sticks (S or M) according to the consumption indicated above.

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