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Analysis / Tests
Basin Analysis
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Basic elements
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CO2 system
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Water treatment
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Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Adverse Treatments
Fish Care
Water treatment
Bacterial Treatments
Fish Care
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Seawater Food
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Substrate for reactor
Sea Salts
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Seawater Equipment
Freshwater Equipment
Basin Equipment
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Sets and maintains properly balanced levels of calcium, KH and magnesium.
A successful reef 'aquarium' depends on maintaining appropriate water parameters which, in turn, provide the stable environment required by corals. Although all of the elements found in natural seawater play an important role in maintaining these optimal parameters, a few of them play an even more significant role in overall stability. These elements are the foundation of the reef environment and include the three major elements: calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and bicarbonates (HCO3).
These three fundamental elements have a major effect on water chemistry (pH stability, alkalinity, ionic strength of seawater) and on many biological processes at work in coral (skeleton formation, exchanges ions, photosynthesis).
Skeletogenesis is a process by which special cells within the soft tissues of corals combine the building blocks with strontium and barium taken from the surrounding water to form the building blocks of coral skeletons.
Corals build about 90% of their skeleton by combining calcium and carbonate ions taken from water to form aragonite (CaCO3). The rest of the skeleton is made of magnesite (MgCO3), strontian (SrCO3), calcite (a more brittle crystal structure of CaCO3), fluorite (CaF2) and other minor and trace minerals.
In a state of imbalance, such as when Mg and/or Sr levels are low, the skeleton will grow with a greater proportion of calcite, making it more fragile and more susceptible to damage.
The fundamental elements complement each other in the formation of the coral skeleton. If they are not available in the right proportions, one of them can quickly become the limiting factor for healthy coral growth.
Corals must invest their energy to transport the fundamental and other elements that are found in the surrounding water and are necessary for their skelettogenesis through their soft tissues. High levels of ground elements make the ionic pressure more positive. This makes possible a passive diffusion of the elements through the soft tissues and thus makes the process much more efficient (less energy is required per gram of skeleton). Also, a balanced level of the fundamental elements results in accelerated coral growth rates.
In the case of mature systems, where accelerated growth is not sought, or if the aim is rather a reinforced coloration (by reducing the level of nutrients for the algae), it is necessary to maintain a level of less optimal fundamental elements.
Unlike the natural reef environment, where the reservoir of fundamental elements is immense, the reef aquarium is an artificial environment that is constantly affected by chemical changes. This is the reason why it must be constantly monitored and replenished with the basic elements. Research has shown that optimal levels of these elements should be maintained depending on the variety and maturity of the specific coral population.
To choose the optimal level for your aquarium, it is recommended to use the recommended values for the most demanding species in your aquarium.
Type of aquarium | Salinity (ppt) | Alkalinity (dkh/meq/L) | Ca (mg/L) | Mg (mg/L) |
soft corals | 33 | 8.2 / 2.9 | 430 | 1280 |
LPS corals | 33 | 12.1 / 4.3 | 440 | 1310 |
SPS Corals/Cuttings/Clams/Accelerated Growth | 35 | 12.6 / 4.5 | 465 | 1390 |
SPS corals/mature tanks/Low nutrition/Enhanced coloring | 35 | 8.2 / 2.9 | 430 | 1310 |
This SALIFERT brand analysis kit allows you to accurately measure the calcium level of your seawater. Allows you to take 50 to 100 measurements.
This SALIFERT brand analysis kit allows you to accurately measure the magnesium level of your seawater. Allows you to take around 50 measurements.
Red Sea 's Coral Colors ABCD contains the 31 minor and trace elements found in the skeleton and soft tissues of all corals.
Red Sea 's Reef Foundation Pro Test Kit contains high precision titration tests for accurate measurement of the elements Calcium, Magnesium and KH which are the basic Building Blocks of the coral skeleton.
Reduces nitrates and phosphates. Limits the appearance of harmful algae, allows the control of zooxanthellae for optimal growth and coloration of corals.
This analysis kit from the SALIFERT brand allows you to measure the Kh of your seawater with precision. Allows you to take 100 to 200 measurements.
Accurately tests the nitrate level of your seawater.
Allows you to take around 60 measurements.
Instructions in French
Accurately tests the phosphate level of your seawater.
Allows you to take around 60 measurements.
Instructions in French
Ca plus 2000ml from Aquaforest is a solution that increases the level of calcium in saltwater aquariums.
Calcium 850 gr from Aquaforest allows to maintain the level of calcium or to increase it, in reef aquariums.
Concentrated solution to increase calcium in the aquarium.
Concentrated solution to increase calcium in the aquarium.
Bio-Calcium 500g from Tropic Marin is biologically ideal calcium supplement for reef aquariums using the Balling method
Bio-Calcium 1800g from Tropic Marin is biologically ideal calcium supplement for reef aquariums using the Balling method
Carbo calcium 1000ml is a ultra-concentrated additive to increase calcium and carbonate hardness for saltwater aquariums.
Ultra Easy CA + SR is a highly concentrated calcium and strontium additive for marine aquariums.
Sets and maintains properly balanced levels of calcium, KH and magnesium.