Fish-V-Power is a tonic for freshwater and saltwater fish in aquariums. To be used regularly, as a treatment, after any illness or after the acquisition of new subjects, or to help young fish to develop well.
Reef Evolution First Defense contains a blend of vitamins that boost the immune system so fish are ready to fight stress infections, it also buffers water and removes heavy metals.
Aquabiovit is a multivitamin preparation that can be used in both fresh and salt water. Its composition is suitable for fish and invertebrates. Regular use promotes growth, strengthens the immune system and increases egg laying.
Aquabiovit is a multivitamin preparation that can be used in both fresh and salt water. Its composition is suitable for fish and invertebrates. Regular use promotes growth, strengthens the immune system and increases egg laying.
Nourish is a complete additive (vitamins, amino acids, trace elements) specific for freshwater fish developed to meet the nutritional needs commonly associated with the long-term maintenance of freshwater ornamental fish in closed systems.
Dennerle VitalElixir provides all fish, shrimps, crayfish and other freshwater aquarium inhabitants with the vital mineral substances that tap water lacks or that are required in aquariums.
Dennerle VitalElixir provides all fish, shrimps, crayfish and other freshwater aquarium inhabitants with the vital mineral substances that tap water lacks or that are required in aquariums. It contains all physiologically relevant trace elements, in optimal composition and concentration.
Changing a fish's environment causes stress that strips it of essential nutrients and can weaken its immune system. First Defense is scientifically designed to relieve stress and aid the immune system , so fish can better withstand bagging and travel from the store to your aquarium, water changes, new fish arrivals, sanitary treatments, as well as other environmental changes.
Esha Minaroll from Esha is a unique composition of trace elements, vitamins and minerals . It provides your fish with the amounts they need for a healthy life. For use in freshwater and sea .
in replenishment
Living in a confined space, your fish are susceptible to developing vitamin deficiencies . Indeed, in nature, they find the vitamins they need in a diet that is then more diversified.
Vitamins are important because they prevent the development of certain diseases and guarantee the good health of fish.
Discover a wide choice of vitamins at low prices at , official supplier of the brands: