Garlic Spray is a highly concentrated food "attractant" for all marine and freshwater aquariums. It contains pure garlic, which has positive effects on bacterial fish diseases.
Garlic Spray promotes food consumption and the vitality of your ornamental fish.
Cryptan 250 ml from Preis is an anti-parasitic treatment to combat oodinium , cryptocaryon and ichthyophthirius in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Do not use with invertebrates.
Prebac 250 ml from Preis, is an antibacterial treatment for the disinfection of the water in your freshwater or marine aquarium . It fights bacterial infections, fungal infections, and treats bites and lesions due to transport.
Algan 250 ml from Preis, is an anti-algae treatment for saltwater aquariums . It acts against red and black polluting algae, you will quickly find clean aquarium water thanks to Preis-Algan.
The Söchting ADW oxidator catalyst allows you to replace or add a new catalyst in your Oxydator reactors to renew or increase the generation of oxygen.
Esha ALX from Esha is a treatment against crustacean parasites, they occur on and in the skin of fish and on the gills. This product is well tolerated by fish, plants, filters.Warning: Remove shrimp and crayfish before using eSHa alx.
EasyNeo 500 ml from Easy Life , considerably strengthens the immune system in a natural way. This effectively prevents illness and even death from stress and injury during transportation . After transport, the aquarium can be treated with EASYNEO ® to provide the best care and avoid diseases during the habituation period.
Optima from Esha is a unique combination of trace elements, minerals and vitamins that tap water lacks. These ingredients help recreate the natural tropical environment your fish deserve. Your fish will thrive and you will see the results.
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