Cichlid Lake Salt™ is a blend of salts designed to replicate the natural environment of cichlids. For use with Tanganyika Buffer or Malawi/Victoria Buffer from Seachem
Replenish™ is a proprietary blend of salts designed to physiologically replenish crucial minerals that are removed by the reverse osmosis process or deionization filtration.
Seachem 's Equilibrium™ 300g is specifically designed to achieve the ideal mineral content for aquariums containing plants. Equilibrium™ does not contain sodium or chloride (which could harm this type of aquarium in high amounts).
Equilibrium™ is specifically designed to achieve the ideal mineral content for aquariums containing plants. Equilibrium™ does not contain sodium or chloride (which could harm this type of aquarium in high amounts).
PREIS minerals for discus provide all the minerals and trace elements necessary for osmosis water and fresh water for driving, in order to restore the balance and conditions adapted to the particular living conditions of discus fish.
PREIS minerals for discus provide all the minerals and trace elements necessary for osmosis water and fresh water for driving, in order to restore the balance and conditions adapted to the particular living conditions of discus fish.
in replenishment
What are remineralizers used for?
Remineralizer for freshwater aquarium and reverse osmosis water
Remineralizers increase the mineral content with the aim of improving the carbonate hardness (Kh) of water and the total hardness (Gh) of water .
This remineralization is important because it is essential to certain species of fish evolving in amineralized environment, which for lack of mineral salts (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) can develop osmotic stress .
These minerals are also useful for the growth and development of aquatic plants .
Discover a wide choice of remineralizing products at low prices at , official supplier of the brands: