Anti Snails for freshwater aquarium

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€11.99 -€3.00 €8.99
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Questions / Réponses

Why do I have snails in my aquarium?

The introduction of snails into your aquarium occurs when plants, gravel or decorative elements are installed. It is also possible that their proliferation is due to poor maintenance of the aquarium, leftover food, etc.

How to limit snails?

To limit the proliferation of snails, we advise you not to overdose on food, the remains of uneaten food will pollute the water and require regular cleaning of your plants.

The snails present in the aquarium are not always those that have been introduced on purpose . Indeed, some snails are brought in following the introduction of new aquatic plants .
Although valuable allies as grazers of algae and food uneaten by fish, these small gastropods can quickly proliferate .
To fight against snails , it is better to start by reducing the doses of food and trapping them naturally . It is strongly advised to avoid any chemical treatment, as these are harmful to fish and shrimp . What's more, they pollute the aquarium water and destabilize its balance .

Discover anti-snail products at low prices at , official supplier of the brand:

JBL Aquarium .