This SALIFERT brand analysis kit allows you to test the pH of your seawater accurately, on a scale of 7.4 to 8.6. Allows you to take around 50 measurements.
Seatest PO4 from Aquarium Systems is a box of 40 tests for the phosphate content in your freshwater and saltwater aquarium . PO4 phosphate is a residue from the decomposition of organic matter such as uneaten food, fish excrement… It has the ability to cause algae growth.
Potassium / Kalium Profi Test from Salifert is a test kit that accurately measures thepotassium level of your saltwater aquarium . The test can be performed easily and quickly, in about 90 seconds.
The Salifert organic testmeasures the organic matter present in your aquarium . Some organic compounds cannot be effectively removed by the protein skimmer, biological filtration, or activated carbon . These compounds can become difficult to remove and have a negative effect on water quality by making it less and less clear.
Oxygen Profi Test by Salifert , corals and marine fish require very high levels of oxygen concentration due to the low solubility of oxygen in salt water so it is very important to regularly test the level of oxygen present .
Red Sea 's Reef Foundation Pro Test Kit contains high precision titration tests for accurate measurement of the elements Calcium, Magnesium and KH which are the basic Building Blocks of the coral skeleton.
Red Sea 's KH/Alkalinity Pro test kit is an advanced titration test measuring the level of buffers in your reef aquarium with an exceptional accuracy of 0.14dKH.
Red Sea 's KH/Alkalinity Pro test kit is an advanced titration test measuring the level of buffers in your reef aquarium with an exceptional accuracy of 0.14dKH.
Red Sea 's Nitrate Pro test is an advanced comparator colorimetric test. It measures the level of nitrates in your reef aquarium with an exceptional accuracy of 0.12ppm.
Red Sea 's Phosphate Pro test is an advanced colorimetric comparator test. It measures the level of phosphates in your reef aquarium with an exceptional accuracy of 0.02ppm.
Reagent refills . Red Sea 's Nitrate Pro test is an advanced comparator colorimetric test. It measures the level of nitrates in your reef aquarium with an exceptional accuracy of 0.12ppm.
Reagent Refills - Red Sea 's Phosphate Pro test is an advanced colorimetric comparator test. It measures the level of phosphates in your reef aquarium with an exceptional accuracy of 0.02ppm.
JBLProAquaTest Cu is a quick test for determining the copper content of water . Simple and safe control of water parameters in aquariums/ponds . Determination of the optimal copper level for the control of heavy metals in fresh water and sea water. Allows you to perform around 50 tests.
Refill reagents for JBLProAquaTest Cu. Allows you to perform around 50 tests.Simple and safe controlof freshwater/pond water parameters . Determination of the optimal copper content for the management of heavy metals in freshwater and seawater
JBLProAquaTest iron is a quick test for determining the iron content of water . Simple and safe control of water parameters in aquariums/ponds . Determination of the optimal iron content in fresh water and sea water. Allows you to do around 50 tests.
JBLProAquaTest Silicate is a quick test for determining the iron content of water . Simple and safe control of water parameters in freshwaterand saltwateraquariums .Allows you to do around 50 tests.
JBLProAquaTest NH4 is a quick test for determining the ammonium / ammonia content of water . Simple and safe control of water parameters for freshwater, saltwater and pond aquariums. This allows you to run approximately 50 tests .
JBLProAquaTest NO2 is a quick test for determining the nitrite content of water in freshwateraquariums, saltwater and ponds .Allows you to do around 50 tests.
JBLProAquaTest NO3 is a quick test for determining the nitrate content of water in freshwateraquariums, saltwater and ponds .Allows you to do around 40 tests.
JBLProAquaTest PO4 Phosphate Sensitiv is a quick test for determining phosphate levels in freshwater, saltwater aquariums and ponds. Allows approximately 50 tests to be performed .
Reagent refills for JBLProAquaTest Cacalcium test.Allows you to do around 50 tests. Simple and safe control of aquarium water parameters. Determine optimal calcium levels for healthy and vigorous coral growth .
4 in stock
Colorimetric tests
Colorimetric tests allow you to visualize the changes in parameters that the water in your aquarium is experiencing . The chemical balance of each parameter varies constantly depending on the modifications you makeor not to the aquarium.
These tests are precise, simple and reliable and allow you to act quickly when an anomaly is observed (excess or lack of certain chemical elements...).
Discover a wide choice of colorimetric tests at low prices at , official supplier of the brands: